
Duck duck go stock
Duck duck go stock

Google uses filter bubbles to tailor the search results according to our data profile that these websites have created according to our search history. The users can also get unbiased, unfiltered data for a search entry as DuckDuckGo avoids filter bubbles. Thus, DDG can help us to keep our searches private and out of data profiles. The incognito mode that professes to secure a user’s privacy does not help either as it just deletes the local browsing history and does not stop the website from collecting data and tracking via the user’s IP address. Advertisers can then use this data profile to show personalized banner ads to users across millions of sites and apps. The data that you enter in search engines that are Google mediated such as medical, financial, or personal issues are mined and then packed into a data profile. One of the many reasons for DuckDuckGo gaining popularity is that it does not track your activity as Google does and the users get unfiltered and unbiased search results. Thus, DuckDuckGo has gained popularity amongst those people who value their privacy. In this society where the phrase “Google it” has become a solution to every problem, the risk of privacy breaches has also increased. Currently, DDG is one of Google’s most formidable competition. The main motive behind the creation of DuckDuckGo was to offer an alternative to the people who do not want to see what the algorithm decides that they should see. This search engine is owned by Duck Duck Go, Inc., and its headquarters is at Paoli, Pennsylvania, U.S. The founder and CEO of DuckDuckGo is Gabriel Weinberg.

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Since DDG avoids filter bubbles and user profiling, all the users of DuckDuckGo are shown the same search results for a particular search item.

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The filter bubble is an internet lingo in which the website algorithm selectively presumes the type of content its user would like to see based on the location, search history, and the user’s interaction with the website. DuckDuckGo or DDG protects the user’s privacy by avoiding filter bubbles and profiling personalized search results. DuckDuckGo, also known as “DDG” is a search engine that claims to protect its user’s privacy as it apparently does not track the user’s information.

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